Instead of having reminders lost in your notification drawer, have them pop right up on your screen. Reminders can be set to go off once, or repeat on intervals, like taking your medicine, daily reviews, birthdays and anniversaries.
- Clean, clear material design
- Pop up drawn over other apps; do not miss important things in your list of notifications
- One-off or interval triggers
- Timeline of past notifications
The app uses Crashlytics to collect data needed to fix crashes, which Google fails to provide developers by default. This needs Internet access, but can be disabled in the app's Settings. No personal data is ever sent.
The app is open source. Source code is available at
Alih-alih memiliki pengingat hilang di laci pemberitahuan, memiliki mereka muncul tepat pada layar Anda. Pengingat dapat diatur untuk pergi sekali, atau ulangi pada interval, seperti mengambil obat Anda, ulasan harian, ulang tahun dan peringatan.
- Bersih, desain materi yang jelas
- Pop up ditarik di atas aplikasi lain; jangan lewatkan hal penting dalam daftar pemberitahuan
- Satu-off atau selang pemicu
- Timeline pemberitahuan masa lalu
Aplikasi ini menggunakan Crashlytics untuk mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan untuk memperbaiki crash, yang gagal Google untuk memberikan pengembang secara default. Ini membutuhkan akses internet, tetapi dapat dinonaktifkan di Setelan aplikasi. Tidak ada data pribadi yang pernah dikirim.
Aplikasi ini open source. Source code tersedia di
Instead of having reminders lost in your notification drawer, have them pop right up on your screen. Reminders can be set to go off once, or repeat on intervals, like taking your medicine, daily reviews, birthdays and anniversaries.
- Clean, clear material design
- Pop up drawn over other apps; do not miss important things in your list of notifications
- One-off or interval triggers
- Timeline of past notifications
The app uses Crashlytics to collect data needed to fix crashes, which Google fails to provide developers by default. This needs Internet access, but can be disabled in the app's Settings. No personal data is ever sent.
The app is open source. Source code is available at